Sexual Sparks App for iPhone/iTouch
Sexual Sparks is dedicated to all couples striving to create a loving, long lasting relationship that is filled with joy and happiness. We hope the erotic ideas and images spark your desire to creatively enhance your relationship with even more fun and pleasure. Stay frisky and playful as you grow even closer together.
Getting Started
Creative Sex
Erotic Art
Adding Notes
Important Stuff
Sexual Sparks is designed to help couples keep their relationship fresh and exciting with truly amazing sex. It’s a creativity tool based on a deck of cards with ideas to stimulate your erotic imagination. Alone or combined, the cards will spark your desire for wonderfully new experiences together that will enhance your intimacy and strengthen your relationship. You’ll discover new ways to enjoy each other in and out of bed.
The deck consists of 69 spark cards each with an erotic image, a theme overview and one or more activities to trigger your thoughts. Combined, the art and text engage different parts of your mind into the creative process. The 69 cards are organized into four primary color coded suits:
Sensual & Sexual: purple coloured cards involve topics of physical activities and their associated sensations.
Heart & Mind: red coloured cards involve the emotional and intellectual aspects of love and sex. They deal with the psychological aspects of intimacy and relationships.
Concepts & Ideas: blue coloured cards present thought provoking sex related ideas and concepts to help you explore or express your sexuality and personal desires.
Accessories: green coloured cards involve things that can be used to improve sex in various ways.
There is also a set of yellow Modifier cards that are used to enhance or alter the idea of a primary card in unique ways.
The cards encourage you to look at different elements of sexual expression from a variety of perspectives. Use them to stimulate your ideas for new sensual pleasures to explore with your partner. Pick one or a few randomly and combine the ideas. Use these sparks in as many ways as you can to ignite the passion in your love life.
Getting Started
The Sexual Sparks interface provides three main ways to get a spark card:
Random Spark: a single card is randomly selected from the entire deck
Select a Spark: all the spark cards are listed with the title and card number – pick one to view it
Spark Of The Day: display a single card that is the same for everyone using the app during the day (changes at midnight in your location)
Once a spark card has been displayed, you’re given the option to show additional cards to mix and modify the ideas.
Although you can jump right in and pick a random card, a good way to start is to go through the entire deck one at a time. Tap on Select a Spark to get the entire list organized into their five coloured categories. There are 15 cards in each of the primary categories plus 9 modifier cards. Examine the title, erotic art, theme text and action for each card to get familiar with them. Also pay attention to how you react to each one. Do some intrigue you more than others? Do any make you feel uncomfortable? What other kinds of feelings, emotions or thoughts do they stir up? What kind of patterns do you see in your reactions?
The Select a Spark list enables you to progress though each card in sequence. Alternatively, when a card is displayed, you can tap on the + button to display another random spark. Only three are kept in the display at one time so adding another just pushes the first one off to make room. You can keep randomly cycling through the cards in this way although you may see the same spark come up again.
Creative Sex
Rather than just providing a fixed list of sexual activities to try, Sexual Sparks are designed to stimulate your own ideas for creative sex. The erotic art and theme work together to trigger your erotic imagination. Your mind will mix your memories, fantasies, desires and various subconscious associations together with information about your personal life.
Sometimes ideas for wonderfully new erotic experiences will just pop into your mind. Other times you may just come up blank or cycle through the same old routine thoughts. When this happens, challenge yourself to write down 10, 20 or even a hundred different ideas as fast as you can in 15 minutes. Set a timer if you want.
It may seem like a struggle at first but you’ll discover that ideas you’ve come up with near the end of the list are your most deliciously imaginative. Then, set the sexual spark aside for a while so your mind can work on the challenge as you do other things. Just be prepared to write down your naughty notions when they happen almost magically (usually when you least expect).
Initially, start with just a single sexual spark card to get used to the process. When you want even more excitement, mix in one or two additional cards and creatively combine the themes. It’s more challenging and more rewarding too.
You can use the Sexual Spark cards either alone or with your lover. Try coming up with a list of ideas for the same spark card(s) separately at first then join your ideas and try to come up with even more together. See how many of your individual ideas overlap.
You can also use this brainstorming technique with a small group of close friends. It’s sure to create some wildly stimulating discussions. See who can come up with the most creative sex scenario or fantasy based on the same cards. Reward the wildest idea.
However you come up with them, plan a unique way to enhance your next intimate encounter using your new ideas. Surprise your lover by coming up with arousing new pleasure possibilities to try.
Erotic Art
Erotic art can be aesthetically pleasing or provocatively shocking. The images selected for the Sexual Sparks app are appropriate yet relatively tame – they’re erotic and suggestive without being too explicit. Excessive nudity and graphic images of sexuality were purposely avoided. But art is very subjective and personal so we’ve added the ability to replace the default artwork with your own sexy images.
Just tap on the card image and it’ll give you the option to select an image from your photo library. A copy of your image will be saved and used in place of the default. It can be replaced again later or restored back to the default if desired – these are separate copies so deleting them in the app will not effect what’s in your photo library.
NOTE: If you visit an erotic art website using the browser on your device, you can tap the image and save it to your photo library. Other images you’ve obtained from other sources can also be imported into your device’s photo library. Images should be at least 300 pixels wide otherwise they’ll be scaled and may appear pixelated. Images included as artwork for the Sexual Sparks are stock photos, custom photos or composite designs.
Adding Notes
At the bottom of the card details there is an Add/Edit Note link. When you tap this link, you’ll be given the option to add your own notes. Just tap in the card region to display the keyboard. Reminder notes can be sexy ideas to try or additional information to help stimulate your ideas later. Your notes will be saved and displayed at the bottom of the card when you tap the “<“ button.
Currently NOT Available!
Sexual Sparks on the iPhone/iPad
Download your copy today
Note that the “powers that be” have removed this app from their platform. We are working to redevelop it to conform to their “standards”. Unfortunately, when dealing with sexual content, this has become a frustrating endeavor. As an alternative, we’ve designed a version of Sexual Sparks in book form. A card based format is also in development especially now that AI generated images can be used to capture the essence of the spark.
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The full color book is also available on Kindle: Sexual Sparks: Creative Sex Cards
Other than storing your custom images and notes on your device, no other usage type information is tracked or retained. Your device is protected by a secure personal PIN so no extra mechanisms have been built into the app for this purpose. If you do share your device, be aware that your custom images and notes in the app will be accessible too.
Disclaimer Notice
Safety, mutual respect and trust are essential in any sexual relationship. These elements are required for all intimate love play. The Sexual Sparks app provides a source of inspiration for new and more exciting sexual activities. It is intended only for consenting adult couples. Various combinations of sex related ideas are presented to stimulate your creative imagination and spark your desire for hot new sensual experiences. All suggestions and activities inspired by the content are strictly voluntary and should be performed at your own risk and discretion. Never coerce your partner to play a role or perform an activity that does not appeal to them. You should also avoid any position, activity or product which is not suitable to your physical or sexual limitations. If there is any uncertainty or doubt, discuss the ideas together with your partner. For additional information, please also refer to the many excellent books on human sexuality available in libraries and bookstores in your area.
Succulent Enterprises Inc. and the authors assume no responsibility for any injury or damage incurred while playing or performing any activities identified in this product. The ideas are intended for consenting adults who are knowledgeable of sex while still exploring and discovering their full sexual potential. If you have any health concerns, please consult your doctor to ensure you’re healthy and fit enough to engage in sex.
Content presented in Sexual Sparks is of a sexual nature with intentionally suggestive themes. We have strived to maintain a wide range of acceptance as compared with information found in many commercially available relationship enhancement books. Although the content is intended for adult couples in an intimate sexual relationship, you may still find some of the textual details too explicit for your comfort level. View the material at your own discretion.
Sex is a very sensitive subject. People have radically different views on what is morally right and wrong when it comes to sex between consenting adults. Although attitudes have become more accepting of a broader range of sexual practices, many archaic laws still exist that prohibit specific types of sexual activities. Certain ideas in this erotic creativity tool deal with activities that could be in violation of various federal, state and local laws if actually carried out in your location. We do not advocate breaking any law. The authors and publisher do not accept liability for any injury, loss, legal consequence, or incidental or consequential damage incurred by reliance on information, advice or suggestions provided in this product. The information is for entertainment purposes only.
Always use safer sex practices and common sense when performing or engaging in any sexual activity. The activity ideas in the product are intended for couples in a monogamous sexual relationship. All the sex ideas are intended to inspire your own sexual creativity so you can enhance your relationship with more pleasure and intimacy. They are only sexy suggestions for you to adapt and perform if desired at your own discretion.
By purchasing and using the application, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions and certify that you are of legal age to view sexually related information in your jurisdiction.